Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Lesson 11: Making the Most Community Resources and Field Trips

       One of the best learning strategy is exposing your learner's in outside world like doing a field trips. Because they could explore more when they exposed and they could also relax in listening a monotonous teacher. Field trips are the only communication that school and community has. And the learners could appreciate the different cultures of Filipinos. But first of all safety precautionary for learner's is the most important. Though it's helpful but it is risky for those learner who are not behaved. But children's could find enjoyment in field trips.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lesson 10: Demonstrations in Teaching

                    Well, we all know that when teaching, demonstrations is a must. It is a big help for our learners to have a demonstrations every lesson we discuss. It could be your plan b if you don't forgot to bring any instructional materials. It is a big help especially during experimentation and etc. that really needs a demonstrations. It is a big opportunity to express your ideas when you find difficulty in explaining. It could also retain on their memory because they used their eyes watching you demonstrating.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Lesson 9: Teaching with Dramatized Experiences

         In this lesson it tells us that you can teach through dramatization. For your learner's won't find it dull in your class, especially if your a kind of a teacher that conversational. But if you would teach through dramatization they would feel excitement, enthusiasm and enjoyment because your teaching with an action. Especially when your subject matter is all about telling stories. The children will enjoy because your not only talking but also your presenting some puppets while telling them a story. That according to Maria Montessori learned to teach using a multi sensory. This is useful in teaching especially when your teaching on kids.