Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lesson 8: Teaching with Contrived Experiences

   In this lesson I've learned that with the help of these contrived experiences it will help or give some strategy in teaching. This could be a substitute in letting our pupils/students imagine on things because with the help of this contrived experiences, it would be easy to our learners to understand and conclude. This is also stated one of the principles in learning. That learners learn a lot especially if they experienced it. Contrived experiences is really a big help.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Lesson 7: Direct Purposeful Experiences and Beyond

 In this lesson,  it taught us how to used instructions effectively. That we learn all by our self, through our experiences. These are our concrete and firsthand experiences that make up foundation of our learning. In learning other people like what we see or hear on them are not firsthand experienced but rather vicarious experiences. Learning by ourselves is a richest learning's of all. Maybe its good for us to learn at others but it is nice to learn through your experiences.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lesson 6: Using and Evaluating Instructional Materials

 Being a teacher in the future, we must evaluate our materials or used a materials that looks attractive to our learners for us to capture their attention and they are willing to listen our discussion. Using and evaluating instructional materials are highly recommended for us education students. For us know how to be ready at all times for us not to experience the R.O.G. syndrome or run out of gas syndrome. Because some teachers nowadays experienced that and waste the time talking in not important things or not related to lesson. This lesson tells us or taught some strategy, for us not to experience what other teachers experience.